
  • Major Fire-Fighting Foam Release Clean-Up

    The hangar AFFF fire-fighting system for a major airline malfunctioned, resulting in a release of PFAS-containing fire-fighting foam. The foam and cleanup water were containerized in tanks. The airline, on advice of counsel, required that the waste be incinerated. Group Delta was tasked with locating an incinerator that would accept a significant volume of PFAS containing liquid for incineration. Group Delta handled analysis of the Project Labor Agreement and acted as liaison with the Fire Department, the County, the Union, the Airport Environmental Group, and the incineration facility to ensure that regulations were followed, and that the liquid was properly transported and incinerated. Certificates of incineration were provided.

  • Former Aircraft Parts Manufacturing Facility

    High-profile large-scale assessment and remediation at an aerospace facility which produced parts for the defense industry that was impacted by chlorinated solvent compounds, primarily tetrachloroethene (PCE). Because of past metal plating operations, samples were also collected and analyzed for polyfluroralkyl substances (PFAS). Subsurface assessment and remediation efforts were conducted in soil, soil vapor, and groundwater, including rapid assessment and remediation of a commingled plume in soil and multiple groundwater aquifers.

  • Metal Plating Facility Clean-Up

    Site assessment of multiple contaminants, including PFAS in soil and groundwater, at a former metal plating facility. Worked closely with the Regional Board to produce a workplan to comply with directive to assess suspected PFAS in soil from past metal plating activities. Following approval by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the workplan was executed and soil samples were collected using strict field protocols to reduce the potential of cross-contamination from PFAS in commonly used products. After this investigation confirmed PFAS impacts in soil, the Regional Board added PFAS sampling of groundwater and a nearby surface water body to the assessment. The Regional Board is requiring PFAS remediation, and preparation for this work is ongoing.

  • Northern California Confidential Airport Assessment

    Execution of a work plan to assess potential PFAS impacts to soil and groundwater as a result of the use of AFFF at the site. Assessment activities included soil sample collection, well installation, and groundwater and drinking water sampling and analysis. A report of these activities was submitted to the Regional Board.

  • Southern California Confidential Airport Assessment

    Assessment of two different jet fuel releases, including collection of soil samples, installation of groundwater monitoring wells, free product recovery, and agency reporting including submittal of a Site Conceptual Model. Assisted client in proactively testing for the presence of PFAS in groundwater in existing groundwater monitoring and sampling wells, prior to California Water Quality Control Board directives to do so.

  • Dry Cleaning Property Assessment

    Assessment of a dry cleaning facility for multiple potential contaminants, including PFAS. The developer client required the assessment prior to purchasing and developing a property in Orange County California. The site soil, soil vapor, and groundwater were successfully assessed without closing down the dry cleaning facility.